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Twee2::build_config.story_ifid = '76585E15-C0E7-4404-A55B-BEFC4CDF112B'
<<include StoryInit_UI>> <<run console.log("started")>> <<if $Version < 10104>> <<set $Version to 10104>> <<set $VersionStr to '0.1.4'>> <<include Ability_AppetiteForGrowth>> <<include Ability_DemonicCorruption>> <<include Ability_HerculeanBuild>> <<include Ability_Masochism>> <<include Ability_VigorOfTheEndowed>> <<include Ability_WideAttacks>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<include Modifiers_Size_Diff>> <<include StoryInit_StateDrivenModifiers>> <<set $Debug = false>> <<set setup.Comparators = { MICRO_TO: 1, MUCH_SMALLER: 2, SMALLER: 3, EQUAL: 4, BIGGER: 5, MUCH_BIGGER: 5, REACHES_WAIST: 6, REACHES_KNEES: 7, FITS_ON_HAND: 8, FITS_ON_FINGER: 9, }>> <<set $Debug = false>> <<set $FighterSheet_Imp = { hp: 18, stamina: 6, strength: 6, critChance: 45, arousalGain: 20, staminaRecovery: 2, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Basic_Attack], abilities: [], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.LOW, encounterIntroText: "<<include Encounter_Intro_Imp>>", encounterStartText: "<<include Encounter_Start_Imp>>", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Encounter_Win_Imp>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "<<include Encounter_Loss_Imp>>" }>> <<set $InfoSheet_Imp = { name: "Imp", gender: "male", corruption: 0, muscles: 0, height: 50, cock: 10, alive: true }>> <<set $QuestSheet_Ethrex = { beatenOnce: false, }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Ethrex = { id:"CharacterSheet_Ethrex", info: $InfoSheet_Ethrex, fight: $CharacterSheet_Ethrex.fight, quest: $QuestSheet_Ethrex, }>> <<set $QuestSheet_Lost_Werewolf = { beatenOnce: false, }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Lost_Werewolf = { id:"CharacterSheet_Lost_Werewolf", info: $InfoSheet_Lost_Werewolf, fight: $FighterSheet_Lost_Werewolf, quest: $QuestSheet_Lost_Werewolf, }>> <</if>> <<if $Version < 10105>> <<set $Version to 10105>> <<set $VersionStr to '0.1.5'>> <</if>> <<if $Version < 10200>> <<set $Version to 10200>> <<set $VersionStr to '0.2.0'>> <<set setup.Comparators = { MICRO_TO: 1, MUCH_SMALLER: 2, SMALLER: 3, SLIGHTLY_SMALLER: 4, EQUAL: 5, SLIGHTLY_BIGGER: 6, BIGGER: 7, MUCH_BIGGER: 8, REACHES_WAIST: 9, REACHES_KNEES: 10, FITS_ON_HAND: 11, FITS_ON_FINGER: 12, }>> <<include StoryInit_RandomEncounters>> <<include StoryInit_Abilities>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<include StoryInit_FightVariables>> <<include Sheets_Elder>> <<include Sheets_Lost_Naga>> <<set $QuestSheet_Player = { curseOfTheNagaStatDrain: { muscles: 0, height: 0, cock: 0, }, }>> <<set $ = $QuestSheet_Player>> <</if>> <<if $Version < 10201>> <<set $Version to 10201>> <<set $VersionStr to '0.2.1'>> <<include StoryInit_Abilities>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<include StoryInit_FightVariables>> <<include Modifiers_Player_Symbiote>> <<include Modifiers_Size_Diff>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.critChance = $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.accuracy>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.variables = $FightVariables>> <<script>> let i; for(i = 0; i < State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.fight.fightMoveIDs.length; i++) { let j; for(j = 0; j < setup.FightMoveIDs.length; j++) { if(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.fight.fightMoveIDs[i].name == setup[setup.FightMoveIDs[j]].name) { State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.fight.fightMoveIDs[i] = setup[setup.FightMoveIDs[j]]; } } } <</script>> <<include Sheets_Imp>> <<include Sheets_Ethrex>> <<include Sheets_Lost_Werewolf>> <<include Sheets_Lost_Naga>> <<include Sheets_Elder>> <<include Sheets_MQ002_Guard>> <<set setup.LevelUpTable = [ 180, 500, 900, 2200, 4000, 5600, 7000, 8300, 10000, 15000, ]>> <</if>> <<if $Version < 10202>> <<set $Version to 10202>> <<set $VersionStr to '0.2.2'>> <<set setup.RewardTier = { NONE: 0, VERY_LOW: 1, LOW: 2, MEDIUM: 3, HIGH: 4, VERY_HIGH: 5, }>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Imp.fight = { hp: 34, stamina: 6, strength: 6, critChance: 20, arousalGain: 20, staminaRecovery: 4, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Basic_Attack], abilities: [setup.Ability_AppetiteForGrowth_2], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.LOW, encounterIntroText: "<<include Encounter_Intro_Imp>>", encounterStartText: "<<include Encounter_Start_Imp>>", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Encounter_Win_Imp>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "<<include Encounter_Loss_Imp>>" }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Tok.fight = { hp: 72, stamina: 20, strength: 10, critChance: 20, arousalGain: 20, staminaRecovery: 4, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Lunge,setup.FightMove_Goo_Stun], abilities: [], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.HIGH, encounterIntroText: "<<include Tok_Fight_Intro>>", encounterStartText: "His immense stature is intimidating, he looks powerful enough to break you in half. Yet you feel an alien instinct warp your reason.\n The sight of his massive muscles and cock nearly drives you mad with excitement. \n Your own cock throbs as you ready your weapon." + "\n The fear is all gone, all you think of is to make this beast yours.", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Tok_Fight_Won>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "Tok brings you down to your knees. \n \n[[Continue->Tok Fight Lost]]" }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Ethrex.fight = { hp: 50, stamina: 25, strength: 9, critChance: 20, arousalGain: 20, staminaRecovery: 14, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Basic_Attack, setup.FightMove_IncubusCall, setup.FightMove_IncubusStrike], abilities: [setup.Ability_VigorOfTheEndowed_2], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.MEDIUM, encounterIntroText: "<<include Encounter_Intro_Ethrex>>", encounterStartText: "<<include Encounter_Start_Ethrex>>", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Encounter_Win_Ethrex>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "<<include Encounter_Loss_Ethrex_0>>" }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Lost_Werewolf.fight = { hp: 30, stamina: 12, strength: 9, critChance: 20, arousalGain: 20, staminaRecovery: 8, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Basic_Attack, setup.FightMove_Infest], abilities: [setup.Ability_HerculeanBuild], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.MEDIUM, encounterIntroText: "<<include Encounter_Intro_Lost_Werewolf>>", encounterStartText: "<<include Encounter_Start_Lost_Werewolf>>", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Encounter_Win_Lost_Werewolf>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "<<include Encounter_Loss_Lost_Werewolf>>" }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Lost_Naga.fight = { hp: 90, stamina: 22, strength: 15, critChance: 20, arousalGain: 20, staminaRecovery: 14, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Basic_Attack, setup.FightMove_Infest, setup.FightMove_Hypnotize], abilities: [setup.Ability_AppetiteForGrowth], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.HIGH, encounterIntroText: "<<include Encounter_Intro_Lost_Naga>>", encounterStartText: "<<include Encounter_Start_Lost_Naga>>", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Encounter_Win_Lost_Naga>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "<<include Encounter_Loss_Lost_Naga_1>>" }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_MQ002_Guard.fight = { hp: 130, stamina: 35, strength: 40, critChance: 0, arousalGain: 10, staminaRecovery: 8, variables: $FightVariables, fightMoves: [setup.FightMove_Basic_Attack, setup.FightMove_ChargedStrike], abilities: [setup.Ability_Masochism_2], onMaxArousal: function(character) { //todo }, fightReward: setup.RewardTier.HIGH, encounterIntroText: "", encounterStartText: "Minotaur Guard readies his weapon", outcomePlayerWins: "<<include Quest_MQ002_Entrance_PlayerWins>>", outcomePlayerLoses: "<<include Quest_MQ002_Entrance_PlayerLoses>>" }>> <<script>> State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.fight.fightMoveIDs.push(setup.FightMove_Inspect); <</script>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10300 && $Version < 10301>> <<set $Version = 10301>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.3.1'>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Vitality>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Pain>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Perception>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Growth>> <<include FightMove_WitheringVenom>> <<set setup.FightHotkeys = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P"]>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10301 && $Version < 10302>> <<set $Version = 10302>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.3.2\n Cannot upgrade save file. Play at your own risk.'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10302 && $Version < 10303>> <<set $Version = 10303>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.3.3\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10303 && $Version < 10304>> <<set $Version = 10304>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.3.4\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10303 && $Version < 10304>> <<set $Version = 10305>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.3.5\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10304 && $Version < 10400>> <<set $Version = 10400>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.0\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10400 && $Version < 10401>> <<set $Version = 10401>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.1\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10401 && $Version < 10402>> <<set $Version = 10402>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.2\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10402 && $Version < 10403>> <<set $Version = 10403>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.3\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10403 && $Version < 10404>> <<set $Version = 10404>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.4'>> <<include StoryInit_Abilities>> <<include Ending_OneWithNyx>> <<run $EndingSheet.push($Ending_OneWithNyx)>> <<set $DisplayStatWindow = true>> <<set $SecretCheat = 0>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10404 && $Version < 10405>> <<set $Version = 10405>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.5'>> <<include StoryInit_Abilities>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<set $ = { eastFirstTime: { available: true, condition: function() { return true; }, passage: "Explore_EastFirstTime", }, eastGrownMacro: { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getStatValue(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player, "muscles") > (50 * 12); }, passage: "Explore_EastGrownMacro", }, eastGrownDemonic: { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getRace( == "DEMON"; }, passage: "Explore_EastGrownDemonic", }, eastGrownParasites: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 10; }, passage: "Explore_EastGrownParasites", }, eastGrownLordOfLust: { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getRace( == "LORD OF LUST"; }, passage: "Explore_EastGrownLordOfLust", }, } >> <<set $ = { northFirstTime: { available: true, condition: function() { return true; }, passage: "Explore_NorthFirstTime", }, northGrownMuscular: { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getStatValue(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player, "muscles") > 30; }, passage: "Explore_NorthGrownMuscular", }, northVisibleCorruption: { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getStatValue(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player, "corruption") > 25; }, passage: "Explore_NorthVisibleCorruption", }, northGrownHeight: { available: true, condition: function() { var height = setup.getStatValue(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player, "height"); return height > (25 * 12) && height < (50 * 12); }, passage: "Explore_NorthGrownHeight", }, }>> <<set $ = undefined>> <<run setup.updateStaticCorruptionUI(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player)>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10405 && $Version < 10406>> <<set $Version = 10406>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.6'>> <<set $ = false>> <<set $ = false>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Player.text.jormFirstMeeting = { heightFlavour: { small: [ "Jorm_FirstMeeting_PlayerSmall" ], medium: [ "Jorm_FirstMeeting_PlayerSmall" ], large: [ "Jorm_FirstMeeting_PlayerBig" ], huge: [ "Jorm_FirstMeeting_PlayerBig" ], } }>> <<include Sheets_Jorm>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10406 && $Version < 10407>> <<set $Version = 10407>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.7\n SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! PLAY AT YOUR OWN RISKS!'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10407 && $Version < 10408>> <<set $Version = 10408>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.8'>> <<include Ability_MinorCorruption>> <<include Ability_MajorCorruption>> <<include Ability_OverwhelmingCorruption>> <<include Ability_LordOfCorruption>> <<include Ability_BuriedInCum>> <<include Ability_CorruptedStrength>> <<include Ability_Focused>> <<include FightMove_LustfulInstincts>> <<include FightMove_CorruptedUrges>> <<include FightMove_InfectiousLust>> <<include FightMove_CorruptedRemedy>> <<set setup.FightMoveIDs = [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ]>> <<run $CharacterSheet_Player.applyAbilityRuntimeData(setup.Ability_MinorCorruption);>> <<run $CharacterSheet_Player.applyAbilityRuntimeData(setup.Ability_MajorCorruption);>> <<run $CharacterSheet_Player.applyAbilityRuntimeData(setup.Ability_OverwhelmingCorruption);>> <<run $CharacterSheet_Player.applyAbilityRuntimeData(setup.Ability_LostInCorruption);>> <<run $CharacterSheet_Player.applyAbilityRuntimeData(setup.Ability_LordOfCorruption);>> <<set setup.FightMove_Stunned.skillTheme = "special">> <<set setup.FightMove_Bash.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_BasicAttack.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_ChargedStrike.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_ConsumeLost.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_DoNothing.skillTheme = "special">> <<set setup.FightMove_Submit_Completely.skillTheme = "special">> <<set setup.FightMove_DragonStrike.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Goo_Stun.skillTheme = "symbiote">> <<set setup.FightMove_Hypnotize.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_IncubusCall.skillTheme = "demon">> <<set setup.FightMove_IncubusStrike.skillTheme = "demon">> <<set setup.FightMove_Infest.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Inspect.skillTheme = "special">> <<set setup.FightMove_Masturbate.skillTheme = "buff">> <<set setup.FightMove_Parry.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_SeedOfRuin.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Growth.skillTheme = "sigil">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Pain.skillTheme = "sigil">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Perception.skillTheme = "sigil">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Vitality.skillTheme = "sigil">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Slash.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_SlimeLunge.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Stomp.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_SummonParasite.skillTheme = "demon">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_WitheringVenom.skillTheme = "offensive">> <<set setup.FightMove_Sigil_Worship.skillTheme = "special">> <<set setup.FightMove_Focus.skillDescription = "Gain an additional action slot.">> <<set setup.FightMove_Focus.skillTheme = "buff">> <<run setup.updateStaticCorruptionUI(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player)>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10408 && $Version < 10409>> <<set $Version = 10409>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.9'>> <<include Ability_Focused>> <<include Ability_Momentum>> <<include Ability_Incorruptible>> <<include Ability_ServantOfKanathar>> <<include Ability_ValiantRush>> <<include FightMove_Focus>> <<set setup.StorylineProgress_Imp = { FIRST_MEETING: 0, LOW_RELATIONSHIP: 1000, MID_RELATIONSHIP: 2000, SERVANT: 3000, MASTER: 4000, }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp = { met: false, storylineProgress: setup.StorylineProgress_Imp.FIRST_MEETING, relationshipScoring: 0, servantScoring: 0, servantWins: 3, servantLosses: 3, masterScoring: 0, lostScoring: 0, encounterPassages: { servant: { available: true, condition: function() { return == setup.StorylineProgress_Imp.SERVANT; }, passage: "Imp_Servant_EncounterStart", }, midRela: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 3; }, passage: "Imp_Mid_Rela_EncounterStart", }, lowRela: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 1; }, passage: "Imp_Low_Rela_EncounterStart", }, firstTime: { available: true, condition: function() { return true; }, passage: "Imp_FirstMeeting_Intro", }, }, postFightPassagesWin: { servantPath: { available: true, condition: function() { return == setup.StorylineProgress_Imp.SERVANT; }, passage: "Imp_Win_ServantPath", }, masterChoice: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 8 && >= 3; }, passage: "Imp_MasterChoice", }, lowRelaEnterMidRela: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 3; }, passage: "Imp_Low_Rela_Win_EnterMidRela", }, midRelaIdle: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 3; }, passage: "Imp_Mid_Rela_Win_Idle", }, lowRelaIdle: { available: true, condition: function() { return true; }, passage: "Imp_Low_Rela_Win_Idle", }, }, postFightPassagesLoss: { servantPath: { available: true, condition: function() { return == setup.StorylineProgress_Imp.SERVANT; }, passage: "Imp_Loss_ServantPath", }, servantChoice: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 6 && >= 3; }, passage: "Imp_Loss_ServantChoice", }, midRelaIdle: { available: true, condition: function() { return >= 3; }, passage: "Imp_Mid_Rela_Loss_Idle", }, lowRelaIdle: { available: true, condition: function() { return true; }, passage: "Imp_Low_Rela_Loss_Idle", }, }, }>> <<set $ = setup.QuestSheet_Imp>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10409 && $Version < 10409.1>> <<set $Version = 10409.1>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.4.9'>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Imp", "CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10409.1 && $Version < 10500>> <<set $Version = 10500>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.0'>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_1>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_2>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_3>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_4>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_5>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_6>> <<include FightMove_PridefulAscent>> <<include "_imp_body_visual">> <<set $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.teammate = undefined>> <<set setup.FightMoveIDs = [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ]>> <<set $LevelUpParams = { point : 2, hp: {name: "Health", value: $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.hp}, stamina: {name: "Stamina", value: $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.stamina}, strength: {name: "Strength", value: $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.strength}, arousalGain: {name: "Arousal Gain per turn", value: $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.arousalGain}, staminaRecovery: {name: "Stamina Recovery per turn", value: $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.staminaRecovery}, scaling: { hp: 6, stamina: 4, strength: 3, arousalGain: 2, staminaRecovery: 1, }, }>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Imp.fight.fightMoveIDs = [,]>> <<set $ = "BodyVisualSheet_Imp">> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthBodySmallToMedium = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "medium" }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Body_SmallToMedium", }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthBodyMediumToLarge = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "big" }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Body_MediumToLarge", }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthCock1to2 = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "small" && setup.getCurrentCockVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "small"; }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Cock_1To2", }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthCock2to3 = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "medium" && setup.getCurrentCockVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "medium"; }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Cock_2To3", }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthCock3to4 = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "medium" && setup.getCurrentCockVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "big"; }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Cock_3To4", }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthCock4to5 = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "big" && setup.getCurrentCockVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "biggest"; }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Cock_4To5", }>> <<set setup.QuestSheet_Imp.encounterPassages.growthCock5to6 = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "big" && setup.getCurrentCockVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "biggestHyperBalls"; }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Cock_5To6", }>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10500 && $Version < 10500.1>> <<set $Version = 10500.1>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.0*'>> <<if $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.teammate != undefined>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Imp", "CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <<else>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10500.1 && $Version < 10500.2>> <<set $Version = 10500.2>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.0*'>> <<if $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.teammate == undefined>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Imp", "CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <<else>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10500.2 && $Version < 10500.3>> <<set $Version = 10500.3>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.0*'>> <<run console.log("upgrading 10500.2 to 10500.3")>> <<if $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.teammate == undefined>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Imp", "CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <<else>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10500.3 && $Version < 10500.4>> <<set $Version = 10500.4>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.0*'>> <<run console.log("upgrading 10500.3 to 10500.4")>> <<if $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.teammate == undefined>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Imp", "CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <<else>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10500.4 && $Version < 10501>> <<set $Version = 10501>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.1'>> <<set setup.AttackTiming = { BEFORE_PLAYER: 1, BETWEEN_PLAYER_AND_ENEMY: 2, AFTER_ENEMY: 3, }>> <<widget "PlayerHeight">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Player, "height"))>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerCock">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Player, "cock"))>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerBalls">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Player, "balls"))>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerRace">><<print setup.getRace(>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerName">><<print setup.getRace(>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerArmsNoVerb">><<print setup.processFlavours($CharacterSheet_Player, "@[all|arms|noverb]")>> \<</widget>> <<widget "PlayerHandsNoVerb">><<print setup.processFlavours($CharacterSheet_Player, "@[all|hands|noverb]")>> \<</widget>> <<widget "PlayerBallsNoVerb">><<print setup.processFlavours($CharacterSheet_Player, "@[all|balls|noverb]")>> \<</widget>> <<widget "SymbioteRace">><<print setup.getRace(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.symbiote.anatomy)>><</widget>> <<widget "SymbioteColor">><<print State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.symbiote.color>><</widget>> <<widget "SymbioteName">><<print>><</widget>> <<widget "ImpHeight">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Imp, "height"))>><</widget>> <<widget "ImpCockLength">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Imp, "cock"))>><</widget>> <<widget "ImpBallsSize">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Imp, "balls"))>><</widget>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Imp.fight.teammateSettings = { attackTiming: setup.AttackTiming.BEFORE_PLAYER, }>> <<set $ = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getCurrentBodyVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "big" && setup.getCurrentCockVisual(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Imp) == "biggestHyperBalls"; }, passage: "Imp_EncounterStart_Growth_Cock_5To6", }>> <<set $ = { available: true, condition: function() { return == setup.StorylineProgress_Imp.MASTER; }, passage: "Imp_Win_MasterPath", }>> <<set $ = { available: true, condition: function() { return == setup.StorylineProgress_Imp.MASTER; }, passage: "Imp_Loss_MasterPath", }>> <<set $ = 1>> <<set $CharacterSheet_Imp.text = { Village_goMeetImp_Intro :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "Village_GoMeetImp_heightFlavour_small", ], medium: [ "Village_GoMeetImp_heightFlavour_small", ], large: [ "Village_GoMeetImp_heightFlavour_large", ], huge: [ "Village_GoMeetImp_heightFlavour_huge", ], }, }, goMeetImp_Height :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Size_Small", ], medium: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Size_Small", ], large: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Size_Large", ], huge: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Size_Huge", ], }, }, goMeetImp_Muscles :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Muscles_Small", ], medium: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Muscles_Small", ], large: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Muscles_Large", ], huge: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Muscles_Huge", ], }, }, goMeetImp_Genitals :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Genitals_Small", ], medium: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Genitals_Small", ], large: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Genitals_Large", ], huge: [ "Teammate_Imp_Examine_Genitals_Huge", ], }, }, leaveImp :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "Teammate_Imp_Leave_Small", ], medium: [ "Teammate_Imp_Leave_Small", ], large: [ "Teammate_Imp_Leave_Large", ], huge: [ "Teammate_Imp_Leave_Huge", ], }, }, goMeetImp_GrowImp :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "Teammate_Imp_GrowHim_Large", ], medium: [ "Teammate_Imp_GrowHim_Large", ], large: [ "Teammate_Imp_GrowHim_Large", ], huge: [ "Teammate_Imp_GrowHim_Huge", ], }, }, basicAttackPrepFlavour :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_small_1", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_small_2", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_small_3", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_small_4", ], medium: [ "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_1", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_2", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_3", ], large: [ "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_large_1", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_large_2", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_large_3", ], huge: [ "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_1", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_2", "_imp_text_sheet_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_3", ], }, }, encounterStartFlavour :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_small_1", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_small_2", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_small_3", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_small_4", ], medium: [ "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_1", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_2", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_3", ], large: [ "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_large_1", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_large_2", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_large_3", ], huge: [ "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_1", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_2", "_imp_text_sheet_encounterStartFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_3", ], }, } }>> <<set $ = { available: true, condition: function() { var height = setup.getStatValue(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player, "height"); return height > (50 * 12); }, passage: "Explore_NorthGrownHeightMassive", }>> <<set $ = { available: true, condition: function() { return setup.getStatValue(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player, "muscles") > (200 * 12); }, passage: "Explore_EastGrownMegaMacro", }>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10501 && $Version < 10501.1>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10501")>> <<set $Version = 10501.1>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.1'>> <<if $CharacterSheet_Player.fight.teammate == undefined>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Imp", "CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <<else>> <<set $EasyRandomEncounters = ["CharacterSheet_Slime"]>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10501.1 && $Version < 10502>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10502")>> <<set $Version = 10502>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.2\n [[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10502 && $Version < 10503>> <<set $ = 0>> <<include Ability_Uncorrupted>> <<include Ability_MinorCorruption>> <<include Ability_MajorCorruption>> <<include Ability_OverwhelmingCorruption>> <<include Ability_LordOfCorruption>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10503")>> <<set $Version = 10503>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.5.3\n [[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10503 && $Version < 10600>> <<include Ending_OneWithApothus>> <<include Ending_OneWithNyx>> <<include Ending_MemoriesOfCray>> <<include Ending_NyxChosenAscension>> <<include StoryInit_Abilities>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<include Sheets_Wounded_Lost>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10600")>> <<set $Version = 10600>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.6.0\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10600 && $Version < 10601>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10601")>> <<set $Version = 10601>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.6.1\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10601 && $Version < 10602>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10602")>> <<set $Version = 10602>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.6.2\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10602 && $Version < 10603>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10603")>> <<set $Version = 10603>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.6.3\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10603 && $Version < 10604>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10604")>> <<set $Version = 10604>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.6.4\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10604 && $Version < 10605>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10605")>> <<set $Version = 10605>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.6.5\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10605 && $Version < 10700>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10700")>> <<set $Version = 10700>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.0\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <<set $VolumeControls = { master: { volume: 0.2, }, music: { volume: 0.2, list: [], }, voices: { volume: 0.8, list: [], }, sfx: { volume: 1, list: [], }, }>> <<run console.log("set controls")>> <<run console.log($VolumeControls)>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10700 && $Version < 10701>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10701")>> <<set $Version = 10701>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.1\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10701 && $Version < 10702>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10702")>> <<set $Version = 10702>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.2\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10702 && $Version < 10703>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10703")>> <<set $Version = 10703>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.3\n "[[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10703 && $Version < 10704>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10704")>> <<script>> for(let i = 0; i < State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.abilityHandler.abilityRuntimeDatas.length; ++i) { State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.abilityHandler.abilityRuntimeDatas[i].abilityDataIndex = setup.AbilityIndexCache[State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.abilityHandler.abilityRuntimeDatas[i].abilityDataID]; } <</script>> <<set $Version = 10704>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.4\n [[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10704 && $Version < 10704.1>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10704.1")>> <<script>> for(let i = 0; i < State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.abilityHandler.abilityRuntimeDatas.length; ++i) { State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.abilityHandler.abilityRuntimeDatas[i].abilityDataIndex = setup.AbilityIndexCache[State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.abilityHandler.abilityRuntimeDatas[i].abilityDataID]; } <</script>> <<set $Version = 10704.1>> <<set $VersionStr = '\n [[SAVE FILE NOT COMPATIBLE WITH THIS VERSION! CLICK HERE TO RESTART WHILE KEEPING YOUR ESSENCE, ACHIEVEMENTS AND EXP!->Reload_Unsupported_Enter]]'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10704.1 && $Version < 10705>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10705")>> <<set $Version = 10705>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.5'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10705 && $Version < 10706>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10706")>> <<set $Version = 10706>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.6'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10706 && $Version < 10707>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10707")>> <<set $Version = 10707>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.7'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10707 && $Version < 10708>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10708")>> <<set $Version = 10708>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.8'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10708 && $Version < 10709>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10709")>> <<set $Version = 10709>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.9'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10709 && $Version < 10710>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10710")>> <<set $Version = 10710>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.10'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10710 && $Version < 10711>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10711")>> <<set $Version = 10711>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.7.11'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10711 && $Version < 10800>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10800")>> <<set $Version = 10800>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.0'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10800 && $Version < 10801>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10801")>> <<set $Version = 10801>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.1'>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10801 && $Version < 10802>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10802")>> <<set $Version = 10802>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.2'>> <<script>> Dialog.setup("Upgrade save file");"UpgradeSave").processText());; <</script>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10802 && $Version < 10803>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10803")>> <<set $Version = 10803>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.3'>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10803 && $Version < 10804>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10804")>> <<set $Version = 10804>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.4'>> <<set $ = {partnerRecentSex: false,partnerSparExhaustion: false}>> <<set $ = {limitBreakAvail: false,overgrowthAvail: false,mutationAvail: false,newCardAvail: false}>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10804 && $Version < 10804.1>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10804.1")>> <<set $Version = 10804.1>> <<set $VersionStr = ''>> <</if>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10804.1 && $Version < 10804.2>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10804.2")>> <<set $Version = 10804.2>> <<set $VersionStr = ''>> <</if>> <<if $Version >= 10804.2 && $Version < 10805>> <<run console.log("deprecate 10805")>> <<set $Version = 10805>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.5'>> <<script>> Dialog.setup("Upgrade save file");"UpgradeSave").processText());; <</script>> <</if>>
<<include StoryReInit>>
<<include StoryInit_Base>> <<include StoryInit_Widgets>> <<include StoryInit_UniversalFlavour>> <<include StoryInit_FightVariables>> <<include StoryInit_FightMoves>> <<include Quest_MQ001_EchoFirstEncounter>> <<include Quest_MQ002>> <<include StoryInit_QuestVariables>> <<include StoryInit_Abilities>> <<include StoryInit_ExplorationData>> <<include Sheets_Anatomy>> <<include Sheets_Races>> /* Must be after Anatomy */ <<include Sheets_Characters>> /* Must be after Races */ <<include StoryInit_StateDrivenModifiers>> <<include StoryInit_WorldState>> <<include StoryInit_EndingSheet>> <<include StoryInit_UI>> <<include StoryInit_Music>>
<<include StoryInit_AbilityTrigger>> <<set setup.UnlockableAbilityList = []>> <<set setup.GlobalAbilities = []>> <<include Ability_Tank>> <<include Ability_Berserking>> <<include Ability_DeadlyAim>> <<include Ability_Mutant_2>> <<include Ability_Mutant>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_1>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_2>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_3>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_4>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_5>> <<include Ability_Global_HeightSizeTier_6>> <<include Ability_Global_MuscleTier_First>> <<include Ability_Global_MuscleTier_Second>> <<include Ability_Global_MuscleTier_Third>> <<include Ability_Global_MuscleTier_Fourth>> <<include Ability_Global_MuscleTier_Fifth>> <<include Ability_Global_MuscleTier_Sixth>> <<include Ability_Global_CockTier_First>> <<include Ability_Global_CockTier_Second>> <<include Ability_Global_CockTier_Third>> <<include Ability_Global_CockTier_Fourth>> <<include Ability_Global_CockTier_Fifth>> <<include Ability_Global_CockTier_Sixth>> <<include Ability_Global_BallsTier_First>> <<include Ability_Global_BallsTier_Second>> <<include Ability_Global_BallsTier_Third>> <<include Ability_Global_BallsTier_Fourth>> <<include Ability_Global_BallsTier_Fifth>> <<include Ability_Global_BallsTier_Sixth>> <<include Ability_Global_Bigger_Than_Target_1>> <<include Ability_Global_Bigger_Than_Target_2>> <<include Ability_Global_Bigger_Than_Target_3>> <<include Ability_Global_Overwhelming_Balls>> <<include Ability_Global_All_Consuming_Balls>> <<include Ability_ProcessingCorruption>> <<include Ability_Uncorrupted>> <<include Ability_MinorCorruption>> <<include Ability_MajorCorruption>> <<include Ability_OverwhelmingCorruption>> <<include Ability_LostInCorruption>> <<include Ability_LordOfCorruption>> <<include Achievement_OffTheDeepEnd>> <<include Achievement_BaptismInCorruption>> <<include Achievement_HostOfTheSpawns>> <<include Achievement_LordOfTheSpawns>> <<include Achievement_SubmissiveFighter>> <<include Achievement_MightOfAugwult>> <<include Achievement_DamnatoryKnowledge>> <<include Achievement_WordOfPower>> <<include Achievement_MemoriesOfKanathar>> <<include Achievement_MemoriesOfDemonicAscent>> <<include Achievement_MemoriesOfTheLost>> <<include Achievement_IncompleteMemories>> <<include Achievement_MemoriesOfTheMinotaur>> <<include Achievement_Resolute>> <<include Achievement_Redemption>> <<include Achievement_MasterOfTheBarrens>> <<include Achievement_GodAmongstMen>> <<include Achievement_CockRingOfTheBind>> <<include Achievement_CollarOfTheBind>> <<include Achievement_SafePassage>> <<include Achievement_ExplorerOfCorruptedDepths>> <<include Achievement_ShiftingIdeals>> <<include Achievement_AscendedPrisoner>> <<include Achievement_EndlessStruggle>> <<include Achievement_MemoriesOfEthrex>> <<include Achievement_MemoriesOfFerro>> <<include Achievement_Abomination>> <<include Ability_DayBuffs_Main>> <<include Ability_Form>> <<include Ability_RacialBonus>> <<include Ability_EchoForm>> <<include Ability_Masochism>> <<include Ability_HerculeanBuild>> <<include Ability_DemonicCorruption_3>> <<include Ability_DemonicCorruption_2>> <<include Ability_DemonicCorruption>> <<include Ability_StolenMass>> <<include Ability_CurseOfTheNaga>> <<include Ability_VigorOfTheEndowed_2>> <<include Ability_VigorOfTheEndowed>> <<include Ability_AppetiteForGrowth_2>> <<include Ability_AppetiteForGrowth>> <<include Ability_NyxParasiteInfection_2>> <<include Ability_NyxParasiteInfection>> <<include Ability_TouchedByNyxsLight>> <<include Ability_EmbracedByNyxsLight>> <<include Ability_Oath_Containment>> <<include Ability_Oath_Nyx>> <<include Ability_UnstoppableExpansion>> <<include Ability_Oathbreaker>> <<include Ability_NeverendingGrowth>> <<include Ability_OrgasmicGrowth>> <<include Ability_LastStand>> <<include Ability_ToLiveForEcho>> <<include Ability_WarriorOfDuality>> <<include Ability_WitheringVenom>> <<include Ability_CodexPassion>> <<include Ability_FaithsReward>> <<include Ability_EssenceHoarder>> <<include Ability_SombrevesWhisper>> <<include Ability_VampiricLust>> <<include Ability_KalethsFervour>> <<include Ability_ActiveParry>> <<include Ability_ParryEnergy>> <<include Ability_BrinkOfMadness>> <<include Ability_PiercingPrecision>> <<include Ability_ChannelTheAstralSoul>> <<include Ability_SigilOfPerception>> <<include Ability_TaintedByTheLost>> <<include Ability_SurvivorOfTheFirstEclipse>> <<include Ability_MemoriesOfTheChosen>> <<include Ability_MemoriesOfCray>> <<include Ability_MemoriesOfApothus>> <<include Ability_MemoriesOfNyx>> <<include Ability_HostOfEcho>> <<include Ability_DracosOmnipotence>> <<include Ability_BuriedInCum>> <<include Ability_CorruptedStrength>> <<include Ability_Focused>> <<include Ability_Momentum>> <<include Ability_Incorruptible>> <<include Ability_ServantOfKanathar>> <<include Ability_EmpoweringDrink>> <<include Ability_TorgarsBond>> <<include Ability_TonicOfStillness>> <<include Ability_EssenceSurge>> <<include Ability_CollarOfTheBind>> <<include Ability_CockRingOfTheBind>> <<include Ability_PromiseOfServitude>> <<include Ability_NyxInducedWorkout>> <<include Ability_Disciplined>> <<include Ability_Defiler>> <<include Ability_LustIncarnate>> <<include Ability_LukkasBox>> <<include Ability_DemonicEssenceShard>> <<include Ability_UnnaturalGrowth>> <<include Ability_ApexPredator>> <<include Ability_Stunned>> <<include Ability_UntappedPotential>> <<include Ability_CorruptionInhibitor>> <<include Ability_PromiseOfCorruption>> <<include Ability_TimelessBond>>
<<script>> setup.AbilityTrigger = { ON_ACQUIRE: 1 << 0, ON_FIGHT_START: 1 << 1, ON_FIGHT_TURN_START: 1 << 2, ON_FIGHT_DAMAGING_HIT: 1 << 3, ON_FIGHT_PRE_RECEIVE_DAMAGE: 1 << 5, ON_FIGHT_POST_RECEIVE_DAMAGE: 1 << 4, ON_FIGHT_END: 1 << 6, ON_MAX_LUST: 1 << 7, ON_MIN_LUST: 1 << 8, ON_APPLY_GROWTH: 1 << 9, ON_ENTER_MID_HEALTH: 1 << 10, ON_EXIT_MID_HEALTH: 1 << 11, ON_ENTER_LOW_HEALTH: 1 << 12, ON_EXIT_LOW_HEALTH: 1 << 13, ON_LEVEL_UP: 1 << 14, ON_FIGHT_DO_DAMAGELESS_ATTACK: 1 << 15, ON_FIGHT_BATTLE_WON: 1 << 16, ON_FIGHT_BATTLE_LOST: 1 << 17, ON_GAIN_CORRUPTION: 1 << 18, ON_GAIN_ESSENCE: 1 << 19, ON_DAY_CHANGE: 1 << 20, ON_STAT_CHANGE: 1 << 21, ON_NEW_GAME_PLUS: 1 << 22, ON_ANATOMY_CHANGE: 1 << 23, } <</script>>
<<include StoryReInit_Base>>
<<run $DOMQueue = [];>> <<script>> Config.history.maxStates = 1; Config.history.controls = false; Config.ui.stowBarInitially = false; <</script>> <<if $Version == undefined>> <<set $Version = 10805>> <<set $VersionStr = '0.8.5'>> <<set $ChoicesWindow = window.innerWidth > 1080 && window.screen.width > 1080>> <<set setup.RedrawCosts = [10,15,20,30,40,50,60]>> <<set setup.LimitBreakEssenceCosts = [60,60,100,100,150,150,200,200,250,250,300,300,350,350,400,400,450,450,500,500]>> <<set setup.AddSlotCosts = [10,15,20,30,40,50,60]>> <<set setup.AbilityIDCache = []>> <<set setup.AbilityIndexCache = {}>> <</if>> <<set $Volume = 0.7>> <<set $VolumeControls = { master: { volume: 0.2, }, music: { volume: 0.2, list: [], }, voices: { volume: 0.8, list: [], }, sfx: { volume: 1, list: [], }, }>> <<set $SelectedAbilityFilter = 0>> <<set setup.AbilityFilter = { POWER: 0, ALTERATION: 1, STATUSEFFECT: 2, GLOBAL: 3, }>> <<set setup.RewardTier = { VERY_LOW: 1, LOW: 2, MEDIUM: 3, HIGH: 4, VERY_HIGH: 5, }>> <<set setup.FightHotkeys = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","0","Q","W","E","R","T","Y","U","I","O","P"]>> <<set setup.DeathTextEnum = { NORMAL: 1, POST_APOTHUS: 2, }>> <<set setup.TestVoices = ["Test_Voice1", "Test_Voice2"]>> <<set setup.AttackTiming = { BEFORE_PLAYER: 1, BETWEEN_PLAYER_AND_ENEMY: 2, AFTER_ENEMY: 3, }>> <<set $SecretCheat = 0>> <<set $InNyxDungeon = false>> <<set $DisplayStatWindow = true>> <<set $LastExplorationEnemyEncounter = 0>> <<set $NoTimePasses = false>> <<set $DeathText = setup.DeathTextEnum.NORMAL>> <<set setup.RewardTier = { VERY_LOW: 1, LOW: 2, MEDIUM: 3, HIGH: 4, VERY_HIGH: 5, }>> <<set setup.Units = { IMPERIAL: 1, METRIC: 2 }>> <<set setup.Oath = { NONE: 1, ACTIVE: 2, BROKEN: 3, }>> <<set setup.Comparators = { MICRO_TO: 1, MUCH_SMALLER: 2, SMALLER: 3, SLIGHTLY_SMALLER: 4, EQUAL: 5, SLIGHTLY_BIGGER: 6, BIGGER: 7, MUCH_BIGGER: 8, REACHES_WAIST: 9, REACHES_KNEES: 10, FITS_ON_HAND: 11, FITS_ON_FINGER: 12, }>> <<set setup.CockComparators = { MICRO_TO: 1, MUCH_SMALLER: 2, SMALLER: 3, SLIGHTLY_SMALLER: 4, EQUAL: 5, SLIGHTLY_BIGGER: 6, BIGGER: 7, MUCH_BIGGER: 8, MASSIVE: 9, HYPER: 10, MACRO: 11, GIGA: 12, }>> <<set setup.CorruptionComparators = { PURE: 50, NEUTRAL: 200, TAINTED: 500, CORRUPT: 1000 }>> <<set setup.ColourPool = { DEFAULT: undefined, RED: "red", ORANGE: "orange", YELLOW: "yellow", GREEN: "green", BLUE: "blue", INDIGO: "indigo", VIOLET: "violet", PURPLE: "purple", WHITE: "white", GREY: "grey", BLACK: "black", OBSIDIAN: "obsidian", AMBER: "amber", PINK: "pink", BROWN: "brown", TAN: "tan", BEIGE: "beige", EMERALD: "emerald", SAPPHIRE: "sapphire", CRIMSON: "crimson", GOLDEN: "golden" }>> <<set setup.MuscleComparators = { MICRO_TO: 1, MUCH_SMALLER: 2, SMALLER: 3, SLIGHTLY_SMALLER: 4, EQUAL: 5, SLIGHTLY_BIGGER: 6, BIGGER: 7, MUCH_BIGGER: 8, DWARFING: 9, GIANT: 10, MACRO: 11, GIGA: 12, }>> <<set setup.englishNumbers = { 1: "", 2: "two", 3: "three", 4: "four", 5: "five", 6: "six", 7: "seven", 8: "eight", 9: "nine", 10: "ten", 11: "eleven", 12: "twelve", 13: "thirteen", 14: "fourteen", 15: "fifteen", 16: "sixteen", 17: "seventeen", 18: "eighteen", 19: "nineteen", 20: "twenty", 21: "twenty one", 22: "twenty two", 23: "twenty three", 24: "twenty four", 25: "twenty five", 26: "twenty six", 27: "twenty seven", 28: "twenty eight", 29: "twenty nine", 30: "thirty", 31: "thirty one", 32: "thirty two", 33: "thirty three", 34: "thirty four", 35: "thirty five", 36: "thirty six", 37: "thirty seven", 38: "thirty eight", 39: "thirty nine", 40: "forty" }>> <<set $Debug = $SpecialBuild>> <<set setup.Colors = ["orange", "blue", "grey"]>> <<set $BoughtFightMoves = 0>> <<set $FightTurn = 0>> <<set setup.LevelUpTable = [ 180, 500, 1300, 2400, 3700, 5600, 7000, 8300, 10000, 15000, ]>> <<set setup.AbilityCategory = { NONE: 0, WARRIOR: 1, FORM: 2, GROWTH: 3, SOMBREVE: 4, PURITY: 5, LUST: 6, }>> /*always order from best to worst*/ <<set setup.AbilityGrade = { VERYHIGH: 4, HIGH: 3, MEDIUM: 2, LOW: 1, VERYLOW: 0, }>> /*Stats -BEGIN*/ <<set $Expedition = 0>> <<if $Cycle == undefined>> <<set $Cycle = 1>> <</if>> <<set $Essence = 0>> <<set $Exp = 0>> <<set $Level = 1>> /*Stats -END*/ /*Descriptors*/ <<set setup.Fight_HealthDescriptor = function(maxHP, curHP) { if(curHP / maxHP > 0.7) { return "<span style='color:#46c546;'>" + "healthy" + "</span>"; } else if(curHP / maxHP > 0.5) { return "<span style='color:#c5bb46;'>" + "out of breath" + "</span>"; } else if(curHP / maxHP > 0.3) { return "<span style='color:#ff9840;'>" + "exhausted" + "</span>"; } else { return "<span style='color:#ff0000;'>" + "nearly dead" + "</span>"; } }; >>
<<set setup.LOCATIONS = { NONE: -99, VILLAGE: -1, ANY: 0, NORTH: 1, EAST: 2, CASTLE: 3, }>> <<set setup.ExplorationData = { findChasm: { id: 0, highPriority: true, passage: "Quest_MQ002_Entrance_FirstTime", condition: function(exploreDifficulty) { return (State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.hasAbility("Ability_GoldenStar") && exploreDifficulty == setup.LOCATIONS.EAST) ||; }, }, } >> <<set State.variables.Explore_Destinations = [];>>
<<include FightMove_BasicAttack>> <<include FightMove_Lunge>> <<include FightMove_Infest>> <<include FightMove_Inspect>> <<include FightMove_Goo_Stun>> <<include FightMove_Masturbate>> <<include FightMove_IncubusStrike>> <<include FightMove_IncubusCall>> <<include FightMove_Hypnotize>> <<include FightMove_Worship>> <<include FightMove_DoNothing>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Vitality>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Pain>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Perception>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Growth>> <<include FightMove_ChargedStrike>> <<include FightMove_Stomp>> <<include FightMove_WitheringVenom>> <<include FightMove_Parry>> <<include FightMove_DragonStrike>> <<include FightMove_ParasiteLunge>> <<include FightMove_SummonParasite>> <<include FightMove_ConsumeLost>> <<include FightMove_SeedOfRuin>> <<include FightMove_SlimeLunge>> <<include FightMove_Slash>> <<include FightMove_Bash>> <<include FightMove_Focus>> <<include FightMove_CumDeluge>> <<include FightMove_LustfulInstincts>> <<include FightMove_CorruptedUrges>> <<include FightMove_InfectiousLust>> <<include FightMove_CorruptedRemedy>> <<include FightMove_PridefulAscent>> <<include FightMove_Sigil_Triad>> <<include FightMove_Tutorial1>> <<include FightMove_Tutorial2>> <<include FightMove_Tutorial3>> <<include FightMove_HeraldsDevotion>> <<include FightMove_TonicOfStillness>> <<include FightMove_AbsorbEssence>> <<include FightMove_FirstStrike>> <<include FightMove_UnnaturalGrowth>> <<include FightMove_Mutate>> <<include StoryInit_SpecialMoves>> <<set setup.FightMoveIDs = [,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ]>>
<<set $FightVariables = { currentHP: undefined, currentStamina: undefined, currentArousal: undefined, currentFightMove: undefined, stunnedDuration: undefined, hypnotizedMoveIDsList: [], cooldowns: [], surrender: false, fightModifiers: [], currentFightMoveOutcome: undefined, currentTurnAbilityText: undefined, persistentEffects: [] }>>
<<cacheaudio "manor" "">> <<cacheaudio "SFX_heartbeat" "">> <<cacheaudio "village1" "">> <<cacheaudio "village2" "">> <<cacheaudio "village3" "">> <<cacheaudio "village4" "">> <<createplaylist "village_bgm1">> <<track "village1">> <</createplaylist>> <<createplaylist "village_bgm2">> <<track "village2">> <</createplaylist>> <<createplaylist "village_bgm3">> <<track "village3">> <</createplaylist>> <<createplaylist "village_bgm4">> <<track "village4">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "battle_bgm" "">> <<createplaylist "battle_bgm">> <<track "battle_bgm">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "battle_bgm_hard" "">> <<createplaylist "battle_bgm_hard">> <<track "battle_bgm_hard">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "nyx_dungeon_battle" "">> <<createplaylist "nyx_dungeon_battle">> <<track "nyx_dungeon_battle">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "nyx_dungeon_theme" "">> <<createplaylist "nyx_dungeon_theme">> <<track "nyx_dungeon_theme">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "final_boss_bgm" "">> <<createplaylist "final_boss_bgm">> <<track "final_boss_bgm">> <</createplaylist>> <<set setup.AllSoundActions = [ "action_Suck", ]>>> <<cacheaudio "action_Suck_1" "">> <<cacheaudio "action_Suck_2" "">> <<cacheaudio "action_Suck_3" "">> <<createplaylist "action_Suck">> <<track "action_Suck_1">> <<track "action_Suck_2">> <<track "action_Suck_3">> <</createplaylist>> <<include StoryInit_Voice1>> <<include StoryInit_Voice2>> <<include StoryInit_VoiceImp>> <<include StoryInit_VoiceTorgar>> <<include StoryInit_VoiceShardRing>> <<include StoryInit_VoiceLostNaga>>
/*debug*/ /*<<set $Quest_CanExplore = true>>*/ <<set $Quest_CanExplore = true>> /*debug*/ /*<<set $Quest_InProgress = [$Quest_MQ002]>>*/ <<set $Quest_InProgress = []>>
<<set setup.FightMove_Stunned = { id: "FightMove_Stunned", name: "Stunned", preparation: function(character, target) { return + " is stunned and cannot move!" }, attackAttemptDesc: function(character, target) { if(character.fight.variables.stunnedDuration > 0) { return + " tries to snap out of it." } else { return + " came back to their senses and is readying their next attack!" } }, activationCondition: function(character, target) { return true; }, dmg: function(character, target) { let damageParam = { multiplier: 0, addon: 0, } return damageParam; }, staminaCost: 0, critMod: 100, skillStatsToDescriptionSpacing: 1, skillDescription: "Try to regain your senses.", skillType: "special", skillTheme: "special", additionalEffects: [] }>>
<<set $FightStateDrivenModifiers = [$Bigger_Than_Target_1, $Bigger_Than_Target_2, $Bigger_Than_Target_3]>>
<<run setup.choices = [];>> <<run $DOMQueue = [];>> <<run setup.updateStaticCorruptionUI(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player)>>
The enemy rushes in and attacks.
The enemy barrels forward toward you, throwing his weight behind his attack.
The enemy stomps forward and swings a massive fist.
The enemy's @[all|huge|arms|noverb] hurtle down toward you.
A trail of purple energy flows from his knuckles.
Each vein in his hand and arm burns with a tainted purple hue, energy rolls off of his skin as tendrils of dark power.
hops between each foot, ready to feint and strike at any moment.
braces himself for the battle.
rolls his boulder like shoulders, ready to strike.
is stretching his limbs, ready to wrestle.
rakes his large feet across the ground, ready to charge.
tenses his muscles. His bulky form creaks with strength, with the anticipation of battle.
flexes gargantuan muscles, ready to put each rolling mountain to use.
stomps his massive feet as he readies himself for combat. The earth quivers.
cracks his massive knuckles, they sound like thunder across the battlefield.
The air feels wrong around this creature.
A terrible darkness spreads across the ground from this creature's feet.
Purple and black tendrils of energy are breaking out from the ground around this creature's feet.
muscles harden and pulse with increasing strength. His biceps form fair peaks above well defined forearms. Veins begin peeking through his skin as they spread across his growing shoulders and neck. His pecs push outwards, his nipples harden and a moan escapes his mouth as the growth tumbles downward like a fresh breath of air through his six pack abs, thighs and calves.
athletic form hardens as each muscle contracts into picturesque beauty. Every line and crease deepens as the power flowing through him forces his body to adapt. His laterals spread wider, his abdominal wall pushes outward and his upper body swells with growing, physical pride.
body convulses as a tingling feeling spreads outwards from his core and to each limb. His body freezes momentarily before a wellspring of growth overtakes him. Calves bulge, quads expand and the upper body surges with strength to keep up.
expression shifts into a pleasurable smile. Looking down at his hands, he watches a bubble of growth move from his fingertips across his bulging arms and into his pecs. Momentarily, it stops. A worried look overtakes his otherwise calm expression. Suddenly, his cock fires an unattural amount of cum. Every pulse of white, every convulsion of his body propels his body upwards and outwards.
body shudders and he doubles over. His knees hit the ground as he is assaulted by a wave of intense pleasure. Every burgeoning muscle flexes, each crest and trough grows into mounds that could only be crafted with years of dedication. His arms become pillars of strength, his back becomes an atlas of muscles - his pecs begin pushing his growing nipples earthbound and his abdominal wall starts shifting from six to eight bricks of power.
mouth spreads into a wide grin as a surreal purple glow spins across the edges of his irises as his veins swell over his body. Not moments later, his cock rises as his limbs pack on weight and size. What was once ample, is now in excess. What was once well chiselled is now barelling. He flexes his bicep, watching it rise higher and higher. A sinister smile spreads wide across his face - this was only the beginning.
cock jumps to full mast as a sudden growth spurt overtakes his body. He quickly wraps his arms around his chest to feel his pecs compete with his biceps. Wave after wave, his arms pushes away from his chest from the sheer size being compressed into them. His legs adopt a wider stance as the war continues below with his quads, expanding glutes and growing calves.
body spasms as his powerful muscles all flex at once. His bull like neck pulses larger and begins to threaten the sides of his head. His pecs swell outwards in leaps and bounds over a growing and impressive set of eight abs. His hands rove across each expanding inch of flesh, feeling the skin stretch tighter against chords of steel that thicken with each passing second.
body shudders. Every boulder contained within him rumbles with an ominous wave of incoming growth. It didn't matter who or what was watching the world stood in stunned silence as his biceps exploded from raw, uncontained power. They barreled outwards until their pulsing peaks began to reach sizes that were clearly unnatural. Each pectoral was large enough to be a shelf, and they bounced eagerly as they consumed more and more space in front of him. Large nipples were forced further sideways and downwards as more and more space was claimed by their hosts. Thick thighs and glutes became even thicker, pillars that would easily host houses were increasing in size before his very eyes.
bones cracked audibly. Growth was upon him yet again, and this wave was even stronger than the last. With a booming thud, his muscles exploded with new size - too much and too fast for his body to contend with. The growth began running rampant; each second packed on more and more until limbs began to lock and grind against each other from the lack of any space at all. With a primal roar, he flexes - a beastly mountain of mass - and wills it all to compact inwards. Control was regained but his body had far from relented his new incredible atlassian size.
mouth opens wide as a primordial roar bellows from his growing form. Bending down, he slams his fist into the ground and a wave of size propells itself upwards from the cracked earth; up his forearm, bicep and into his bullish neck. His pectorals push further outwards, forcing his center of gravity forward before his waist expands into a pillar of pure power to support his new torso. Sliding outwards from the ground behind him; his legs push each other apart, massaging and grinding against his immense cock. The pleasure is too much. With another ear-splitting roar, he arches his back and unleashes a torrential geyser of white.
jaw lowers into abrupt maniacal laughter as he feels the power within him erupt. Like waves from the surface of disturbed water, his entire body groans, creaks and shifts as mucles begin to pack onto muscles - chords thicken and roadworks of veins the size of heavy duty pipes spiral across his expanding form. With a mighty stomp his growing foot hits the ground, forcing a monstrous wave of size upwards through his calves, into his thighs and finally into his bulging muscular rear. Finally, bringing both of his hands together in a mighty clap, his upper body doubles in strength and pure muscle mass.
movements halt. A deadly silence overtakes the land that he towers over. A rumbling. The sound of war drums, the sound of the Earth roaring its protest against the impending change. Then it happened. Mountains that were biceps doubled in size. Pectorals that quake with every minor shift billow outwards. Nipples - hard, large and sensitive are exiled into the deepening valley between them and an entire canyon of ten inumanely thick abdominal muscles. Laterals that were wings, were forced wider. Back muscles that rippled with pure power expanded and arms that could crush villages grew into monstrosities that the world could never contend with. His cock, large and heavy with muscle slowly swings into the air, its growing mass keeping each move sensual to all who would watch. Another rumble. Another catastrophe. Rivers of white explode from its tip into a deluge that coats you, the ground and every object close enough to suffer the titanic load unleashed from his apocalyptic sized balls.
gigantic arms fall limp at his side. A loud rumbling, akin to the mighty growl of a beast in heat begins to echo across the land. A dark shadow - the silhouette of this monstrous behemoth begins to shudder. The Golden Bastion. Those around it will all bear witness as the colossal titan suddenly shivers. A crack, as loud as thunder rockets through the air as the giant grows. Thunderous booms echo around the land; every one heralding the titan's bones shifting to create more space. The ground shudders as the shadow in the \ distance grows larger. Higher. Wider. There are no human words to describe the sheer size being displayed to the world, no words that exist to describe the mass being compacted into that singular point.
cock suddenly stiffens. An unfathomably large spurt of pre jettisons from his cock slit and pools in the lands far below him. The air suddenly becomes hot as a thick umistakeable aura of power coats the very fabric of reality. Reality's will could never stand a chance. To the world's surprise, the giant shudders and balloons outwards in every direction. His forearms are perfect spheres of unadulterad power, pushing against growing biceps and triceps that have long since dwarfed their owner's head. Their towering masses flex upwards and expand outwards, packing on new muscle groups that are not known to mankind. His neck surges outward, practically ungulfing what driving force exists behind such a titanic body. His laterals surge outwards, forming an incredibly powerful yet impossible Y-shape. Legs, as built as the foundations of the world, quickly explode into sizes which put those natural foundations to shame.
His @[all|cocks|one=throbs~more=throb], harder than it ever has. He looks down, feeling each vein engorge with unnatural thickness. Then it hits him, a wave of pleasure grows from the base of his loin. His shaft pulsates wildly as it expands thicker and longer. His eyes widen as the growth progresses further up his @[all|cocks|noverb]. It's so long, so thick. And it keeps growing, pushing his fingers wider apart.
A familiar feeling rushes over him. He grins, looking down at his @[all|cocks|noverb], welcoming a wave of incoming growth. It suddenly hits him, like a rush of adrenaline. His @[all|cocks|one=jolts~more=jolt] forward, hard enough to make him lose his balance. Suddenly, it comes. He screams in pleasure as his loin grows thicker and longer. Every beat of his heart, every flex of his muscles and every breath feed it with more heavy, throbbing flesh. He tries to grasp at his @[all|cocks|noverb] with both hands, failing to fully handle his monster as it grows uncontrollably. He throws his head back, moaning deeply enough to cut his breath short.
Suddenly, his @[all|cocks|one=throbs~more=throb]. The sheer need for attention of his monster overwhelms him. He tries to grasp the base; he can only tremble in anticipation. His @[all|cocks|one=is~more=are] so hot, so full and thick. He shivers at the thought of growing even bigger. Jolts of pleasure pulsates from his @[all|cocks|noverb] as it starts growing. He desperately tries to grasp and pleasure the throbbing flesh, but it is too massive for his hands to contain. He pushes down and thrust his hips along the ground. The sheer mass of his @[all|cocks|noverb] is still incredibly sensitive; he moans in pleasure as it pushes outward, bigger and bigger. He slides his fingers along his slit and moans passionately. Bolts of pleasure pierce him with every contact, \ precum leaks out of his monstrous cock like a damaged dam. His @[all|cocks|one=grows~more=grow] bigger than he thought possible. His loin is gigantic, monstrous even; finding anything that can handle him will be a challenge.
He feels something coming, something tremendous... A familiar warmth rushes over him; his loin burns with anticipation. It keeps building, tingles of pleasure spread from his @[all|cocks|noverb]. This wave of incoming growth is greater than a roaring sea, and it keeps building, threatening to swallow him in its eternal pleasure. But he welcomes it... He grins madly at his monstrous @[all|cocks|noverb] with an unatural eagerness. And then it happens. His @[all|cocks|one=explodes~more=explode] in size, mountains of sensitive flesh burst upwards along his pecs. He rubs it passionately, each touch bringing him close to the edge. His veins grow massive, feeding his @[all|cocks|noverb] with untold power. A roar of triumph bursts out of his as his @[all|cocks|noverb] takes over the scenery. Everything and everyone gets exposed to the glorious beast he's packing. They can only stare in awe as the ground rumbles; his @[all|cocks|one=strains~more=strain], the land braces. His roars resound throughout the land as an ocean of potent cum rains down on this world once again.
<<set setup.UniversalFlavour = { basicAttackAttemptFlavour: { heightFlavour: { small:[ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackAttemptFlavour_heightFlavour_small" ], medium:[ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackAttemptFlavour_heightFlavour_medium" ], large:[ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackAttemptFlavour_heightFlavour_large" ], huge:[ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackAttemptFlavour_heightFlavour_huge" ], }, corruptionFlavour: { corrupt75: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackAttemptFlavour_corruptionFlavour_corrupt75" ], corrupt100: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackAttemptFlavour_corruptionFlavour_corrupt100" ], }, }, basicAttackPrepFlavour :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_small_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_small_2", ], medium: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_2", ], large: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_large_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_large_2", ], huge: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_3", ], }, corruptionFlavour: { corrupt50: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_corruptionFlavour_corrupt50" ], corrupt75: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_corruptionFlavour_corrupt75" ], corrupt100: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_basicAttackPrepFlavour_corruptionFlavour_corrupt100" ], }, }, sizeDescriptionFlavour :{ heightFlavour: { small: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_small_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_small_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_small_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_small_4" ], medium: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_medium_4" ], large: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_large_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_large_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_large_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_large_4" ], huge: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_sizeDescriptionFlavour_heightFlavour_huge_4" ], }, }, MuscleGrowthFlavourText :{ musclesFlavour: { small: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_small_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_small_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_small_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_small_4", ], medium: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_medium_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_medium_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_medium_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_medium_4", ], large: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_large_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_large_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_large_3", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_large_4", ], huge: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_huge_1", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_huge_2", "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_MuscleGrowthFlavourText_musclesFlavour_huge_3", ], }, }, CockGrowthFlavourText :{ cockSizeFlavour: { small: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_CockGrowthFlavourText_cockSizeFlavour_small", ], medium: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_CockGrowthFlavourText_cockSizeFlavour_medium", ], large: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_CockGrowthFlavourText_cockSizeFlavour_large", ], huge: [ "StoryInit_UniversalFlavour_CockGrowthFlavourText_cockSizeFlavour_huge", ] }, } }>>
<<widget "PlayerHeight">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Player, "height"))>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerCock">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Player, "cock"))>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerBalls">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Player, "balls"))>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerRace">><<print setup.getRaceName(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player)>><</widget>> <<widget "PlayerName">><<print $>><</widget>> <<widget "Arms">><<print setup.processFlavours($CharacterSheet_Player, "@[all|arms|noverb]")>> \<</widget>> <<widget "Hands">><<print setup.processFlavours($CharacterSheet_Player, "@[all|hands|noverb]")>> \<</widget>> <<widget "Balls">><<print setup.processFlavours($CharacterSheet_Player, "@[all|balls|noverb]")>> \<</widget>> <<widget "SymbioteRace">><<print setup.getRaceName(State.variables.CharacterSheet_Player.symbiote)>><</widget>> <<widget "SymbioteColor">><<print>><</widget>> <<widget "SymbioteName">><<print>><</widget>> <<widget "ImpHeight">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Imp, "height"))>><</widget>> <<widget "ImpCockLength">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Imp, "cock"))>><</widget>> <<widget "ImpBallsSize">><<print setup.getLength(setup.getStatValue($CharacterSheet_Imp, "balls"))>><</widget>> <<widget "ImageMinoClothedGateBG">><<print setup.displayEncounterImage("","", undefined, true)>><</widget>> <<widget "ImageMinoClothedAura">><<print setup.displayEncounterImage("","", undefined, true)>><</widget>> <<widget "ImageMinoClothedNoBG">><<print setup.displayEncounterImage("","", undefined, true)>><</widget>> <<widget "ImageMinoNakedGateBG">><<print setup.displayEncounterImage("","", undefined, true)>><</widget>> <<widget "ImageMinoNakedAura">><<print setup.displayEncounterImage("","", undefined, true)>><</widget>> <<widget "ImageMinoNakedNoBG">><<print setup.displayEncounterImage("","", undefined, true)>><</widget>>
<<set $WorldState = { cultManor: { mainHall: { isBroken: false, }, eastWing: { isBroken: false, }, westWingHallway: { isBroken: false, }, dragonRoom: { isBroken: false, }, monolithBroken: false, westWing_LastDestination: "", westWing_ClearedRooms: [], }, apothusChosen: { essenceLevel: 0, }, apothusTransformed: false, minoWords: "", }>>
/*Voice1/Arousal1*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_03" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_04" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_04">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_03" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_04" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S2_C1_04">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_03" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_04" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S3_C1_04">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_03" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_04" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S4_C1_04">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice1/Arousal2*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S2_C1_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S3_C1_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S4_C1_03">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice1/Arousal3*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S2_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S2_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A3_S2_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S2_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S2_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S3_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S3_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A3_S3_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S3_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S3_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S4_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A3_S4_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A3_S4_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S4_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S4_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice1/Arousal4*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S1_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S1_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A4_S1_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S1_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S2_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S2_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A4_S2_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S2_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S2_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S3_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S3_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A4_S3_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S3_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S3_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S4_C1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice1_A4_S4_C1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice1_A4_S4_C1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S4_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A4_S4_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<createplaylist "Test_Voice1">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A1_S1_C1_04">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A2_S1_C1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice1_A3_S1_C1_02">> <</createplaylist>>
/*Voice2/Arousal1*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S2_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S3_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S4_03">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice2/Arousal2*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S2_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S3_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S4_03">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice2/Arousal3*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S2_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S3_03">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4_02" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4_03" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S4_03">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice2/Arousal4*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A4_S1">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S2_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S2_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A4_S2">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S2_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S2_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S3_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S3_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A4_S3">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S3_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S3_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S4_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A4_S4_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A4_S4">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S4_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A4_S4_02">> <</createplaylist>> /*Voice2/Arousal5*/ <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S1_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S1_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A5_S1">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S1_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S2_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S2_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A5_S2">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S2_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S2_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S3_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S3_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A5_S3">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S3_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S3_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S4_01" "">> <<cacheaudio "Idle_Voice2_A5_S4_02" "">> <<createplaylist "Idle_Voice2_A5_S4">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S4_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A5_S4_02">> <</createplaylist>> <<createplaylist "Test_Voice2">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A1_S1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A2_S1_03">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_01">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_02">> <<track "Idle_Voice2_A3_S1_03">> <</createplaylist>>
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